Université de Strasbourg, 2016. Poste MCF 1634 - 4312, section CNU 12, Dialectologie alsacienne et mosellane ; sociolinguistique.
Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (Inalco), Paris, 2014. Poste MCF 578(4057), sections CNU 27 & 7, Traitement automatique des langues
Colloque CEDIL18 : Qu'a changé le numérique ? Perspectives linguistiques et didactiques
The 13th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications at NAACL 2018
Conference TALN 2018 (programme committee)
GSCL 2017 International Conference of the German Society for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology.
The 12th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications at EMNLP 2017
Conference TALN 2017 (programme committee)
First Workshop on Paradigmatic Word Formation Modeling, Toulouse, 19 - 20 June 2017
Numéro thématique Syntaxe et Sémantique : Lectures taxinomique et floue : approche des lexèmes récalcitrant, 2017.
Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Linguistic Complexity (CL4LC), COLING 2016, Osaka, Japan.
Conference TALN 2016
Prix de la thèse ATALA 2016
2nd Workshop on Collaboration and Computing for Under-Resourced Languages, Portorož, Slovenia, 23 may 2016.
TAL journal 57:1, Numéro non thématique, Direction : Éric de la Clergerie, Yves Lepage, Jean-Luc Minel, Pascale Sébillot.
Workshop on Computational methods for descriptive and theoretical morphology, Seventeenth International Morphology Meeting - Vienna, February 18th-21st, 2016
LREC (international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation) 2016
International Journal Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2015
4th International Workshop on Systems and Frameworks for Computational Morphology (SFCM) 2015
Language Resources and Evaluation journal 2015
2015 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL)
Conference TALN 2015
10th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications at NAACL 2015
GSCL 2015 International Conference of the German Society for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology.
4th LRL Workshop: "Language Technologies in support of Less-Resourced Languages", satellite event of the 7th Language & Technology Conference, 2015
9th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications at ACL 2014
Conferences TALN and RECITAL 2014
LREC (international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation) 2014
LREC 2014 Workshop “CCURL 2014 - Collaboration and Computing for Under-Resourced Languages in the Linked Open Data Era”
3ème colloque international des étudiants chercheurs en didactique des langues et en linguistique, CEDIL 2014
The 3rd LRL Workshop (A Joint LTC-ELRA-FLaReNet-META_NET Workshop on Less-Resourced Languages): "Less Resourced Languages, new technologies, new challenges and opportunities", satellite event of the Language & Technology Conference “Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics” (LTC’2013)
First international symposium “Morphology and its interfaces”, Université Lille 3, September 12–13, 2013
Workshop "Natural Language Processing for Improving Textual Accessibility" (NLP4ITA) at NAACL 2013
8th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications at NAACL-HLT 2013
Transactions on Information Systems 2013
GSCL 2013 International Conference of the German Society for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology.
Conference TALN 2013
TAL journal 53:3 Du bruit dans le signal : gestion des erreurs en traitement automatique des langues , Direction : Robert Dale, François Yvon.
TAL journal 52:3 Ressources Linguistiques Libres, Direction : Benoît Sagot, Núria Bel.
LREC (international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation) 2012
Conference TALN 2012
NAACL Student Research Workshop and Doctoral Consortium 2012
3rd workshop on “The People’s Web meets NLP: Collaboratively Constructed Semantic Resources and their Applications to NLP” at ACL 2012
Colloque CIJC 2012, Strasbourg.
International conference “New Territories in Word-formation”, Sofia, 2013
Workshop "Natural Language Processing for Improving Textual Accessibility" (NLP4ITA) at LREC 2012
The Computer Journal 2012
EACL 2012 workshop on Innovative hybrid approaches to the processing of textual data.
International Conference on Morphology Les Décembrettes 8
7th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications at NAACL-HLT 2012
Ressources lexicales: contenu, évaluation, utilisation, évaluation. Lingvisticæ Investigationes Supplementa, John Benjamins Publishing, Amsterdam. Sous la direction de Nuria Gala et Michael Zock (Aix-Marseille Université & LIF-CNRS)
AAAI 2011: special track on Artificial Intelligence and the Web
ACL-HLT Student Session 2011
Conference TALN 2011
Special issue of the TAL journal "Vers la morphologie et au-delà", 2011
Dialogue & Discourse, Special Issue on Question Generation, 2011
6th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications, held in conjunction with ACL-HLT 2011
Workshop "Sprachtechnologie und texttechnologischen Methoden im E-Learning", KONVENS 2010, Saarbrücken
2nd Workshop on The People’s Web Meets NLP: Collaboratively Constructed Semantic Resources, Coling 2010
Décembrettes 7, international conference on morphology, Toulouse, 2-3 december 2010
Third Workshop on QuestionGeneration (QG 2010), to be held during the Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, June 14-18, 2010
5th Workshop on the Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications, held in conjunction with NAACL-HLT 2010
ACL-IJCNLP 2009 Workshop "The People’s Web Meets NLP: Collaboratively Constructed Semantic ressources"
ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing (TALIP)
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, Special Issue on Processing Morphologically Rich Languages, 2009
12th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, EACL-09 (secondary reviewer)
2nd Workshop on Question Generation, held in conjunction with the 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2009)